Devon Nature Recovery Network Map

University of Exeter surveyors

Alan Puttock, University of Exeter

Devon Nature Recovery Network Map

What is a Nature Recovery Network?

A Nature Recovery Network (NRN) is a joined-up system of places (habitats) important for wild plants and animals, on land and at sea. It allows plants, animals, seeds, nutrients and water to move from place to place and enables the natural world to adapt to change.

This network of habitats will not only provide wildlife with places to feed, breed and sleep, but will provide critical benefits such as carbon sequestration, flood control, clean water, healthy soils and recreational opportunities. 

The Devon Nature Recovery Network will form part of a national Nature Recovery Network, a key commitment in the Government's 25-year Environment Plan

Read more about the Devon NRN here

Devon Nature Recovery Network (NRN) Map

Work has begun to produce a Devon NRN Map. This includes existing areas of wildlife rich habitats (Core Nature Areas and Nature Areas), habitat suitability (a map showing which habitats would occur naturally across our landscapes due to soils, geology and landscape) and priority areas for action (Strategic Nature Areas).  The map currently includes inter-tidal areas.  Other marine habitats will be included in the future. The map can be used to help us all target conservation effort and prioritise funding.

The Devon NRN Map can be accessed below:

View the map

Before using the map, it is important to read through the supporting information provided. This information provides an explanation of how to use the map and what data is available. We recommend that the supporting information found below is used as a reference guide whilst using the map. 

Supporting information

Who will use it?

The Devon NRN map is for organisations and specialists making regular choices about land use including Local Authorities and Local Planning Authorities, Government statutory agencies, environmental NGOs, private and public landowners, and infrastructure and utility providers. It will provide users with a practical mapping tool accessed via Devon County Council's ‘Environment Viewer’ - an interactive online Geographic Information System (GIS) that shows different spatial information on a base map. Each piece of information is mapped onto a layer and different layers can be added over the map.  

Find out more

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