Conservation Communities Project

Restoring the ecological health of the River Torridge

Conservation Communities

2,500 species recorded ()
247 volunteers ()
96 events held ()

Discovering what’s on the doorstep


The Conservation Communities project worked in 11 parishes between Great Torrington and Hatherleigh, from 2020 until the end of 2022, to record as much about the natural environment as possible. Plenty of exciting species were found in this area, and thanks to this project we know more about what and where they are, and how they’re doing.  This project worked with communities to share skills and allowed people to gain confidence in identifying what is in their local area and how to protect it.

The 11 parishes covered by the project were: Great Torrington, Little Torrington, Merton, Huish, Meeth, St. Giles in the Wood, Beaford, Dolton, Dowland, Iddesleigh, Hatherleigh. As a result of the project, updated biodiversity audits have been produced for each of these parishes. 

Find out more about the biodiversity audits here

Discovering wildlife

Otter foot prints in the mud

The project delivered training opportunities and other events that allowed people to explore, record and help protect wildlife. Our team worked with schools to organise activities and field trips to engage a new generation of wildlife champions, and with volunteers to help improve nature areas to create a healthy network that included farms, gardens and public spaces, and the verges, hedgerows and watercourses that connect them. 

If you were involved with Conservation Communities and would like some advice on how to keep working for wildlife within your communities, the Wilder Communities team are dedicated to offering advice and support for any community projects that benefit both people and wildlife. Get in touch with them by emailing!

Find out more about Wilder Communities here

Infographic of the achievements of conservation communities project

Record your wildlife sightings

Although the project has ended, that doesn't mean you need to stop recording what you see in your area - the Devon Biodiversity Records Centre (DBRC) are always happy to receive your wildlife sightings! Below you can find some helpful guides to help you spot seasonal wildlife near you. 

Submit your recordings to DBRC here

Training resources


Over the course of the project, numerous online talks and training sessions took place. You can find recordings of these on the Conservation Communities playlist on our YouTube channel.

Watch the recordings here

Project area and partners

Map showing where the Conservation Communities project covers

Conservation Communities was a National Lottery Heritage Funded project. As well as working with local communities, the project was developed with and supported by Clinton Devon Estates, Devon Moth Group, Farms for City Children, Great Torrington Commons Conservators, Hatherleigh Moor Management Committee, Hatherleigh Community Primary School, Merton and Huish Wildlife Group and RHS Garden Rosemoor.

National Lottery Heritage Fund, Devon Biodiversity Records Centre, Devon County Council, Clinton Devon Estates, West Devon Borough Council

Further resources