Toad's Journey

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A toad's Journey


What do toads need?

Toads need a safe place to breed and will travel up to 2km to find a pond during the mating season. 

Toads prefer deeper water bodies to breed, such as large ponds or reservoirs.

On land toads need woodland, scrub and coarse grasslands for safe passage and food.


What barriers might a toad face on its journey?

Traffic on roads kills around 20 tonnes of toads per year.

The expansion of the built environment and agricultural land that has been sprayed with chemicals  and/or used to grow a single crop means that toads have fewer places to find shelter and food. 

Unconnected areas of suitable land for shelter and foraging spread far apart leaves toads exposed to predators as easy prey. 


Take a picture or scan your map and email it to us along your name, post code, email and most importantly any thoughts of what could be done in your neighbourhood to make a nature network