Celebrating success - Triple C reducing flooding

grassland restoration

Celebrating success - Triple C project reducing flooding

Triple C - Reducing flood risk

DWT’s contribution to a European project known as ‘Triple C’ was delivered as part of the Culm Grassland Natural Flood Management project.  Triple C began in October 2016 and ran until September 2021.  Delivery was supported and funded by a partnership of the Environment Agency (EA), Devon County Council (DCC) and the European Union through Interreg 2 Seas, the University of Exeter and Natural England. 

The Interreg Triple C project (Climate resilient Community-based Catchment planning and management) implemented a set of cost-effective, innovative actions to reduce flooding. A new participative approach to problem-solving and implementation with landowners was developed. Upstream implementation of water retention and erosion control measures were designed to reduce flooding and flood associated issues further downstream. Our project on Culm grassland contributed to Triple C and shared knowledge with other project partners in the UK, Belgium and the Netherlands.

Find out more about Interreg Triple C. 

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The project aimed to:

  1. Learn more about how Culm grassland and wet grassland can help to hold and release water in catchments (through Ph.D. research and modelling)

  2. Increase everyone’s understanding about the value of Culm grassland, and the role they can play in its protection and re-creation (through workshops and training)
  3. Work with landowners to protect, restore and re-create Culm grassland sites across north Devon (through free farm advice, grants and practical work, targeted to high flood risk areas)
  4. Share our learning with others across the South West, UK and Europe

Understanding how Culm grassland works in practice in a complex landscape will increase our knowledge and help farmers and flood risk engineers to evaluate the wider practical benefits of this important wildlife habitat. By actively managing existing habitat and creating new grassland, landowners can make a real contribution to this effort.

Find out more

Find out how Culm Grassland natural flood management project reduced flooding 

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